"Real Music Comes From Musicians" sm is an educational /
awareness program sponsored by The American Jazz Institute.
Conceived by Stephanie O'Keefe, a professional musician working in Los
Angeles, the program is in response to the increasing use of
electronically generated music, particularly in genres and venues in
which live music was once a very important factor.
As O'Keefe explains, “We have two generations who have grown up thinking
that music comes out of boxes, and have never heard, for instance, the
sound of a clarinet coming from a real clarinet. I think it's very
important to educate the public about our profession, so they understand
who makes the music.”
The T Shirt Project
The first step of Real Music Comes From Musicians sm is
simply to inject the service marked phrase, itself, into the
environment, provoking interest and awareness of musicians as the actual
source of music.
And what could be more appropriate and effective to achieve this goal
than the use of human billboards? To that end, our logo, hand drawn by
prominent musician Gary Foster, has been printed on high quality
T-shirts. The shirts are now available through our website. Click
HERE for more info.
for info, e-mail:
a project of the American Jazz Institute
P.O. Box 5716 Pasadena, CA 91117 (626) 795-6413 www.amjazzin.com
The American Jazz Institute is an I.R.C. 501 (c)(3) corporation.